A photograph can be as striking and as haunting as a great painting or a fine poem.

Rosie Paparazzi

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Welcome To My Blog

My Love of Photography is endless, as is my love for my family, and photographing them. This blog is dedicated to my family;those with us today, and those who live in our hearts and in our memories. Love life, play hard and take a lot of photographs.


  1. Rose, I believe I still have a camera that belonged to your great-grandfather Harry Edison Daugherty 'Slim', a man ahead of his time when it came to electronics too. I will have to go to my attic to see if I've held on to it -its yours if I locate it. Hopefully I will be up to the task before I see you in DEC. at Susan's.

  2. Wow Donna that's pretty exciting! I guess it really is in the genes! Thanks and if you do find it I'd love to add it to the collection. Very kind of you to offer. I'm looking forward to seeing you at Susan's. Thanks Again!
